Thursday, 31 July 2014

Scientists have linked the recent outbreak of Ebola — a disease that causes its victims to bleed to death – to the indiscriminate consumption of raw bush meat and other exotic animals

Bush meat is a known a delicacy in many parts of Nigeria. Indeed, many Nigerians cannot forget in a hurry its delicious aroma and taste in native soups, such as Egusi, Efo and Ofe Isla.
However, scientists say consumption and preparation of meat from forest animals, such as fruit bats, monkeys and chimpanzees is behind the transmission of Ebola, which has killed over 660 persons in the last six months in West Africa.
Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, countries where the Ebola Virus is spreading like wildfire, are also prefer such delicacy as meats from grass cutters, antelopes, gorillas and chimpanzees.
According to veterinary expert, Dr. Femi Oboye, game meats – usually free-range animals, which mean they have less saturated fat, which makes them healthier than other fatty meats – could host Ebola, anthrax and yellow fever and some other deadly fevers.
Oboye states that those residing in countries with poor meat inspection policy are at a greater risk of contracting the virus.
"Forest animals like monkeys, gorillas and chimpanzees can also get the disease and pass it to humans. Apes are hosts to diseases, such as Ebola, anthrax and yellow fever. One can be infected if one is exposed to the secretions of an infected animal or eats an infected animal.Continue reading

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